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A multifunctional space designed to accommodate the variety of needs present within Oak Field, a special needs school. Inspired by the enchanted woodlands in Shakespeare's Midsummer Night’s Dream, this long-term installation aims to assist individuals with sensory processing disorders develop coping skills and regulate their brain’s response to stimuli. This modular design took into account the individual differences of the children. Some children needed to increase mental stimulation, while others were better suited to an environment that would aid in calming them down. The individual panels can easily be moved to create smaller ‘breakout’ spaces, ideal for 1 on 1 reading sessions.

CARVING GRIEF: Still Life Through Linoleum Narratives

Carving Grief explores the phases of grief and the process of coming to accept a death, through a series of linoleum prints exploring a narrative within a bedroom. The prints are of a single scene, showing a vase placed upon a windowsill, and comprise a combination of four separate linocuts: the framework of the room, the sky, the vase, and the curtain. Each print features uniquely manipulated linocuts, using changes in composition, shifts in printing pressure and page placement to explore changes, overlaps and discrete stages within a grieving process.

These prints build on the conventions within traditional still-life paintings while departing from them by focusing on an object’s location within a wider space, rather than a study of the object’s form and colour.

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